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Configuration, Set-Up & Performance

Performance Measurements and Testing Scalability of Drupal: Ebizon CaseStudy

Anonymous 5 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Is Drupal Scalable? This is the question that is hunting Drupal Community for quite some time now. We tested Drupal in a large scale testing environment for a complex Drupal application.

Is Drupal Scalable? This is the question that is hunting Drupal Community for quite some time now. We tested Drupal in a large scale testing environment for a complex Drupal application. We used performance tools like Apache JMeter to measure performance for an application that is mostly database intensive. Loadbalancer, multiple boxes with Apache running on multiple machines, separated database machine and apache, separate static file server and memcache were used in the scalable environment. This session would share those results with the community at large.

NodeStream - A Drupal distribution for newspapers

Dick Olsson 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

NodeStream is a new Drupal distribution aimed at modern newspaper sites with focus on flexible publishing.

This session will highlight some technical and architectual challenges developers are facing when building modern newspaper sites and how we solved them in NodeStream using the big four - Panels, Views, CCK and Rules. This session will also cover the integration between NodeStream and Newspilot, an editorial publishing system used by the majority of all daily newspapers in Scandinavia. The integration is built on top of the Services and Deploy modules. Finally we will talk about how we chosen to package NodeStream with the Features module, Drush Make and a custom install profile.

Varnish HTTP cache server - by Poul-Henning Kamp

Poul-Henning Kamp 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Varnish is a very fast HTTP cache server, which is to your Drupal what a big rotation press is to a newspapers DTP system.

Want to deliver thousands of pages per second with very low responsetime ? Varnish is your tool for that.

And Facebooks, and BBCs, and SlashDots, and ...

In this talk the author of Varnish will show off his warez, lift the hood and make you think about servers and content delivery in an entirely new way.

Inside Pantheon: Pressflow, Hudson and Varnish, Oh My!

Josh Koenig 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Join Drupal performance experts Davis Strauss and Josh Koenig as they dive under the hood with the Pantheon project, an effort to make best practice Drupal development, continuous integration, staging, and safe, easy deployment to liquid-metal-fast production hosting the norm for the ever-growing Drupal community.

How does Drupal fulfill its destiny of running a double-digit percentage of the internet? How can the community continue to grow in breadth and depth of talent? How can we continue to win converts from traditional (proprietary) CMSs? By empowering out users and putting the human at the top of the stack.

Pantheon aims to do this by standardizing and open-sourcing the "magic" of advanced enterprise hosting techniques, bundling the benefit of years of hard-won development experience, and making this all ubiquitously and inexpensively available via Cloud computing.

Additional Presenters:  David Strauss

Developing Community Websites with Drupal

Ronald Ashri 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This session aims to demonstrate how to build a community website in Drupal. Combining modules such as Groups and Activty with Views and CCK to get from vanilla Drupal installation to sophisticated community website. We talk about what works, what perhaps should but doesn't quite and what is coming in the future. A session for anyone considering to built a community website with Drupal.

Drupal has long been touted as a system that provides the necessary "plumbing" to build community-oriented websites. However, it is not immediately obvious, even to developers with some experience how one gets from a vanilla Drupal installation to creating a sophisticated community with complex interactions and different types of users.

Additional Presenters:  John Griffin

Accelerate your web sites with Varnish

Thomas Barregren 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Learn how to install, configure and monitoring Varnish Cache - an increasingly popular reverse proxy cache that accelerates content-heavy dynamic web sites.

Varnish is a reverse proxy cache. It accelerate your web site by caching responses from your web server and thereby offloading Drupal. Varnish is a modern solution outperforming its competing products by as much as twenty times. That is the reason for its increasing popularity as web accelerator.


This session is for anyone who is not afraid to manage Linux servers, but who has not yet looked into Varnish.

What you will learn

In this session you will learn:

  • What Varnish is.
  • When to use Varnish.

Building multilingual projects in Drupal: tales from the road.

Wouter Heyse 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Straight from Brussels, Europe's ultimate linguistic mosh pit, we share our experiences in supporting multilingual projects. We discuss the pitfalls, ditches, roadblocks and punctures that riddles the path
to finalization.

Straight from Brussels, Europe's ultimate linguistic mosh pit, we share our experiences in supporting multilingual projects. As most of our clients require support for at least Dutch, English and French, we are committed to implement multiple languages as swiftly and seamlessly as possible. Needless to say, this is not easy to accomplish.

Multilingual support can be all too quickly formulated in the requirements document (a mere 'support multiple languages' generally does the trick).

Drupal Performance Boost Solutions

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

In this session we plan to share our best practices (what modules we use, hardware setupe, etc.) and explain our approach in building one of the biggest Drupal sites in Denmark, and probably worldwide

Honestly speaking, Drupal is a big out of the box system. It carries a vast amount of queries per page load, and uses quite a few MB for its PHP memory size.

Having the experience on more than 250 developed projects we pledge that Drupal performance can be vastly improved according to your website's goals. Indeed, using the right tools we always achieve the results of the Powerful CMS + Amazing Performance.

Setting up a High-Performance Distributed Drupal in the Cloud

Jeff Wallace 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Keep hearing about "the cloud" and not sure how to get there? This talk will help you decide when it's time to start reaching for the cloud, and then how you can get there. We will outline how you can get Drupal installed in the cloud with services on separated and load-balanced instances.

Building Conference & Event Websites in Drupal with COD

Type:  Session in official program

Come see why Drupal is the best platform for building conference and event websites that meet the needs of attendees, event organizers and sponsors!

In this session we'll build a conference website from scratch that provides robust features including:

  • Proposing and voting on sessions
  • Setting a session schedule for the event and for each attendee
  • Making it easy for attendees to register, pay and provide profile information
  • Managing a waiting list of attendees
  • Collecting and displaying sponsor information

We'll see how Drupal's Conference Organizing Distribution (COD) can help get a conference site up and running quickly, allowing event organizers to focus on running the event and personalizing the site, and allowing attendees to participate actively before, during and after the event!

We'll also see how COD was used to build other conference websites, like DrupalCamp Colorado 2010, and an upcoming conference for the Meego open source project.

Come see why Drupal is the best platform for building conference and event websites that meet the needs of attendees, event organizers and sponsors!

In this session we'll build a conference website from scratch that provides robust features including:

  • Proposing and voting on sessions
  • Setting a session schedule for the event and for each attendee
  • Making it easy for attendees to register, pay and provide profile information
  • Managing a waiting list of attendees
  • Collecting and displaying sponsor information
Additional Presenters:  Ben Jeavons Lisa Rex